Register - You have your own shop
Do I need to be an adult?
Yes. To be able to withdraw money from your account, you must be over 18 years. If you're not old enough to cooperate with us, you may want to talk with parents to persuade them that they were our partners. - It's for your mom still underage Kamil founded the first company. My mother was the owner, he worked and earned. Today is one of the youngest Polish millionaires. For Partner Programs registration for one with parents or older siblings is not a problem.
registration and participation in the service is free of charge. Partner may be any natural person who is aged 18 years. It could also be natural or legal person engaged in economic activity. Users can promote Partner Programs only on pages that comply to the Polish law.
partner after the account is activated in the service of their choice and Partner Programs by participating in them is paid a commission. Each Affiliate Program is different terms and conditions. Details of the various partner programs are in their regulations. Each Affiliate Program has separate rules that must be embraced if one wants to participate.
In case of participation in each of the Partner Programs, Partner agrees to promote the products in accordance with the law, not to provide inaccurate data about them (deliberate modification of the descriptions or characteristics of products in order to mislead potential client).
more information on registration and login to the site site.