Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Has Anyone Had Evlt Done? How Much Does It Cost

Earn good money


  • 300 zł Gross - awarded for each successful participant to the seminar (selling your own) - the first line
  • 150 zł Gross - awarded for each successful participant to the seminar by your direct Associate - The second line of sponsorship
  • 75 zł gross - per participant to the seminar by Associate sponsorship of the second line - The third line.

Because we want to create favorable conditions for rapid development of sales teams of our partners, we decided to be activated before the big recruitment activities to make uniform rules for the operation of the Affiliate Program. The management structure of many thousands of people must be prepared carefully. Most activities should be automated in a computer system.

Under the new rules, all partners have the same status. Each Partner with the foundation should direct its activities in three key areas:

    first Sales of own
    second Developing your own sales team
    third Managing built the sales team.

All Partners are now paid the same - without distinction of having a team or working independently. We pay a remuneration only for registered participants of the seminar successfully, ie, for such a command on the initiative of the Partner, which end with the payment attend the course and the actual holding of training.

commission pay out up to three lines of sponsorship.

» learn more


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