Monday, June 22, 2009

Programming A Motorola Remote

Realize dreams come true - is it a myth? Fraudster

National Financial Literacy Programme a huge training project.

whole project is designed based on the principle vin - vin . It was assumed that all those involved in the project will relate to the huge benefits for cooperation. And as we see there are rules to facilitate them.

There are two paths leading to the achievement of success: standard free path and fast path , which allows you to make a huge shortcut, that is, within a few months do the job, dedicated to the free path at least several years

now - since May. training for sales partners receive an attractive salary for the new conditions:

Previous plan was for each of the partner's earnings on level 7 - 8 thousand. gold, each month - after just half a year of cooperation. - Calculated on the basis of earnings until April 2009 .

Today it looks like this:

  • 300 zł - for independent sale
  • 150 zł - for the sales associate with the second line
  • 75 zł - for the sales associate in the third line.

best partners have already approached the wages set by the company. Of course, if the best partner to work as a team, the result would be much greater. Each active partner can achieve revenues of 7 - 8 thousand. gold over the next 6 months.

    a). necessary sales volume of the structure:
    I - 1 - it is you
    II - 20 - on the second level you have 20 active collaborators
    III - 100 - on the third level you have 100 20 active collaborators
    b). your monthly income, assuming that each person on your team sells a monthly rate.
    I - 1 x PLN 300 = 300 zł.
    II - 20 x 150 = 3000 zł.
    III - 100 x 75 = 7500 zł.

    ---------------------------------------- TOTAL = 10 800 zł

How do over the next 6 months to build the structure of the sample sale? Contrary
appearances, this task is not difficult - it requires only the systematic implementation of specific activities. For more, contact the registration in the system, downloading the " letter to partner " where are examples of earnings that were partners by April 2009. I feel I gave an example based on actual earnings, since May 2009. Therefore, the total far exceeded the 7000 zł ..

For example, in the list is an example of a partner who is earning its own affiliate program, and in 3000 it people, which will involve the sale of courses, only 1,000 people actively working. according to the current rates until he earns:

    I. 1 x 300 - 300 zł
    II. 1000 x 150 = 150 000 zł.

    ------------------------- TOTAL 150 300 zł.
    now already exceeded the earnings in the height specified in a letter to the partners specified in the old example of a team with the second level. And we could settle for only the work of the team. But let's see how it will look like when you add to the work of a team with the third level:

    1000 x 75 zł. - 75 000 zł.
    TOTAL: 150 300 + 75 000 zł. = 225 300 zł. month

Fabulous right? - Unbelievable! Fairy tales tend beautiful.
Taz in the year is up 2 703 600 zł. How can such a lie!
lie? - Why? Do the numbers do not speak for themselves? Is it every year is not born a new Polish citizen? Do not come every year, a new investor (participant course)? Is it every year, a new potential partner does not end 16 years?
What do I write? What year? Every day! Man - what a man is the source of the money flow.

Well, it looks fabulous too. I agree with you. Therefore, minimize the number of active partners in half. Too fabulous? Go ahead - minimize by half again. And so to minimize the amount that you can believe it. Only why your faith is so limited?

Well, because really, people, and especially the Poles have a tendency to say: "I will not do for someone "-" Nobody will me richer. "And they do not even think of that whole life doing on someone and for someone else. Not having the possibility to do this for myself and for myself .

Is miner will create a team whose work will be a profitable and him? "Will this create such a team doctor?" You work in a garage, you and a few of your colleagues. For whom you work? "For myself? - No! are working on and for their Head to give up minimized the amount of his income - As a reward for a job? - No! - You are paid for earning on him and his family. Do you see the difference? It was said, and said - " my employer" - and it sounded as good as - my łaskawca . Ano łaskawca.

Do you want it or not, always, all his life working for someone and for someone else. Because I do not want you to work for himself and for himself. Therefore, only individuals are among the Internet Millionaires. And you can be one of these units. See how beautiful are the prospects for passive income. - You alone earn only 300 zł. but the second level of your team earns you as much as 10, 000 / m.

Even if half of the given example are also working to earn what will not get anywhere in such a simple and easy way. I used to dream was to earn a few pennies in the house (typical Cottage) - today it also meets. Such earnings, which gives e-business could go even dream of. Today you can not only dream, but even fulfill their dreams.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Soul Eater Love And Power Español

extorts money.

the internet fraudster extorts money from people Aneta giving Styńską. He offers to work in Golden Thoughts , and then contacting the e-mail, request to make a deposit to your bank account in exchange for a license to use e-business programs.

Any person claiming to the MS, using the e-mail accounts other than the domenie@zł ( /) ( /) an impostor.

contacted on this matter with the police. If padłaś a victim of fraud, be sure to podeślij e-mail, which can be found at the bottom of the page PP ZM all correspondence, which just led to the scam so far as giving Aneta Styńską and confirmation of payment on his account.

Remember! - Make sure you pay no fraudster. Start of cooperation with partner programs is generally free. For others I can not vouch, but I give you these programs, which do not need to pay to start working. You pay only if you buy something. That is, when you're not a customer partnership program, but the company that operates the program. On the pages of such companies are given a payment method. If you pay for anything via e-mail address, count the possibility that you've come to the fraudster.