the internet fraudster extorts money from people Aneta giving Styńską. He offers to work in Golden Thoughts , and then contacting the e-mail, request to make a deposit to your bank account in exchange for a license to use e-business programs.
Any person claiming to the MS, using the e-mail accounts other than the domenie@zł ( /) ( /) an impostor.
contacted on this matter with the police. If padłaś a victim of fraud, be sure to podeślij e-mail, which can be found at the bottom of the page PP ZM all correspondence, which just led to the scam so far as giving Aneta Styńską and confirmation of payment on his account.
Remember! - Make sure you pay no fraudster. Start of cooperation with partner programs is generally free. For others I can not vouch, but I give you these programs, which do not need to pay to start working. You pay only if you buy something. That is, when you're not a customer partnership program, but the company that operates the program. On the pages of such companies are given a payment method. If you pay for anything via e-mail address, count the possibility that you've come to the fraudster.
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