Thursday, October 1, 2009

How To Cite A Book Back

Partners Earn with Kamil Cebulskim

Register - You have your own shop

Do I need to be an adult?

Yes. To be able to withdraw money from your account, you must be over 18 years. If you're not old enough to cooperate with us, you may want to talk with parents to persuade them that they were our partners. - It's for your mom still underage Kamil founded the first company. My mother was the owner, he worked and earned. Today is one of the youngest Polish millionaires. For Partner Programs registration for one with parents or older siblings is not a problem.

registration and participation in the service is free of charge. Partner may be any natural person who is aged 18 years. It could also be natural or legal person engaged in economic activity. Users can promote Partner Programs only on pages that comply to the Polish law.

partner after the account is activated in the service of their choice and Partner Programs by participating in them is paid a commission. Each Affiliate Program is different terms and conditions. Details of the various partner programs are in their regulations. Each Affiliate Program has separate rules that must be embraced if one wants to participate.

In case of participation in each of the Partner Programs, Partner agrees to promote the products in accordance with the law, not to provide inaccurate data about them (deliberate modification of the descriptions or characteristics of products in order to mislead potential client).

more information on registration and login to the site site.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

High Terrace Backyard

Avoid pyramid schemes

Most people involved in the issues discussed here, including those claiming to be experienced, can not or will not distinguish between a fair system PP / MLM from the pyramids and Ponzi schemes.
Pyramids are in the traditional sense, financial systems, consisting in the fact that the person entering into the fund, based on a specified schedule, payments for those who came before.
Why do I write about this in the guide for Affiliate Programs?
As the internet has (unfortunately) significantly activate this type of action, including in Poland. But suppose that everything we have yet to come.
Internet is a great tool for organizers of such activities and, over time, a number of modifications to systems and financial plans, making a very blurred the boundaries between programs type of network marketing, partner programs and systems which are called MLM, de facto, forming a pyramid.
With the Internet, very easy to offer a "product". The word is in quotes, because it supposedly exists, but is only a cover for a pyramid scheme. In fact, the "product" does not play a special role. It is often freely available or quickly created ebook, report, course or software nieprzedstawiający greater value. Sometimes it is offered at a much greater rate than is actually worth.
company stating it has to offer such a "product" creates a "financial plan", "investment program", a "virtual stock exchange", the matrix or some other mechanism yielding a profit mainly to the organizers.
is not always easy to recognize right away that this is a cover for a pyramid. To this end, we follow the suggestions given in the chapter "How to choose an affiliate program?"
Personally, despite the many proposals do not take part in this type of projects and their NOT recommend.
happens that affiliate programs are created and MLMy to push the residual product and take the form of pyramid, to encourage quick profits to participate in the project.
named after an Italian immigrant working in America in the early twentieth century. In 1919, he offered to investors for every $ 150 invested $ 100 within 90 days (then $ 100 was a large amount). After 45 days, began to pay investors the promised amount, which meant that they started gaining confidence and re-invested even greater amount. Where did the profit?
contributions from new investors. However, as the rumor that a Ponzi promised money and pay it before the deadline, was spread very quickly, the new investors are not lacking. This is precisely based on the idea of \u200b\u200ba Ponzi-type system.
What is the problem? Well, in that order to be able to add to the capital investor's 50% - the number of new investors must grow into a square. When the amount of money coming from new investors is smaller - getting low cash to pay earlier investors. Each type of Ponzi scheme is doomed to fall, because when they cross a certain critical mass, the cashier is empty. Any person participating in such a program has a limited number of friends (or strangers), which can recommend it.
How does it differ from a Ponzi pyramid?
Although, like in the pyramid, the money for early investors come from the contributions of later investors, but in a Ponzi-type system everything is organized and controlled by one person company or organization.
Ponzi-type systems usually have a hierarchical structure, as is the case in the pyramids, and all funds (minus reasonable profit for the organizers) shall be distributed among previous investors.
Initially investors / partycypujący replaced quickly and on time promised money, which results in gaining the confidence of the program and advertise it. Ago are also used in most programs, reference systems - to pay a certain percentage or certain amount to the person who persuaded another investor the "insertion" of money in this program.
Depending on the speed of the spread of information and publicize the extent, such a program starts to increase the number of members, but only until the number of new investors / participating is growing faster than the amount returned to investors prior to the square (in the case of a 50% profit over investment). Since then, the amount of cash is less than is needed for the payment and the program disappears, along with the money of those who did not come early enough. Appear shortly in another name and a slightly modified conditions ...
To extend the operation of such programs, the organizers will use various tricks, such as modifying 'compensation plan. "
are also often used much more sophisticated methods for different types of scams and manipulation, and the Internet is an excellent tool for this type of action.
also meets the upcoming programs to the limits of decency, which put the matter clearly and indicate that this is a game where you can win those early leap into the subject. There is no guarantee of profits, and at some point in the payment of money simply runs out, which means that "umoczyłeś" his investment. Many of the programs of this type requires the prior purchase of the product ...
    article comes with a free piece of e-book'a "Stay SuperPartnerem"

Monday, June 22, 2009

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Realize dreams come true - is it a myth? Fraudster

National Financial Literacy Programme a huge training project.

whole project is designed based on the principle vin - vin . It was assumed that all those involved in the project will relate to the huge benefits for cooperation. And as we see there are rules to facilitate them.

There are two paths leading to the achievement of success: standard free path and fast path , which allows you to make a huge shortcut, that is, within a few months do the job, dedicated to the free path at least several years

now - since May. training for sales partners receive an attractive salary for the new conditions:

Previous plan was for each of the partner's earnings on level 7 - 8 thousand. gold, each month - after just half a year of cooperation. - Calculated on the basis of earnings until April 2009 .

Today it looks like this:

  • 300 zł - for independent sale
  • 150 zł - for the sales associate with the second line
  • 75 zł - for the sales associate in the third line.

best partners have already approached the wages set by the company. Of course, if the best partner to work as a team, the result would be much greater. Each active partner can achieve revenues of 7 - 8 thousand. gold over the next 6 months.

    a). necessary sales volume of the structure:
    I - 1 - it is you
    II - 20 - on the second level you have 20 active collaborators
    III - 100 - on the third level you have 100 20 active collaborators
    b). your monthly income, assuming that each person on your team sells a monthly rate.
    I - 1 x PLN 300 = 300 zł.
    II - 20 x 150 = 3000 zł.
    III - 100 x 75 = 7500 zł.

    ---------------------------------------- TOTAL = 10 800 zł

How do over the next 6 months to build the structure of the sample sale? Contrary
appearances, this task is not difficult - it requires only the systematic implementation of specific activities. For more, contact the registration in the system, downloading the " letter to partner " where are examples of earnings that were partners by April 2009. I feel I gave an example based on actual earnings, since May 2009. Therefore, the total far exceeded the 7000 zł ..

For example, in the list is an example of a partner who is earning its own affiliate program, and in 3000 it people, which will involve the sale of courses, only 1,000 people actively working. according to the current rates until he earns:

    I. 1 x 300 - 300 zł
    II. 1000 x 150 = 150 000 zł.

    ------------------------- TOTAL 150 300 zł.
    now already exceeded the earnings in the height specified in a letter to the partners specified in the old example of a team with the second level. And we could settle for only the work of the team. But let's see how it will look like when you add to the work of a team with the third level:

    1000 x 75 zł. - 75 000 zł.
    TOTAL: 150 300 + 75 000 zł. = 225 300 zł. month

Fabulous right? - Unbelievable! Fairy tales tend beautiful.
Taz in the year is up 2 703 600 zł. How can such a lie!
lie? - Why? Do the numbers do not speak for themselves? Is it every year is not born a new Polish citizen? Do not come every year, a new investor (participant course)? Is it every year, a new potential partner does not end 16 years?
What do I write? What year? Every day! Man - what a man is the source of the money flow.

Well, it looks fabulous too. I agree with you. Therefore, minimize the number of active partners in half. Too fabulous? Go ahead - minimize by half again. And so to minimize the amount that you can believe it. Only why your faith is so limited?

Well, because really, people, and especially the Poles have a tendency to say: "I will not do for someone "-" Nobody will me richer. "And they do not even think of that whole life doing on someone and for someone else. Not having the possibility to do this for myself and for myself .

Is miner will create a team whose work will be a profitable and him? "Will this create such a team doctor?" You work in a garage, you and a few of your colleagues. For whom you work? "For myself? - No! are working on and for their Head to give up minimized the amount of his income - As a reward for a job? - No! - You are paid for earning on him and his family. Do you see the difference? It was said, and said - " my employer" - and it sounded as good as - my łaskawca . Ano łaskawca.

Do you want it or not, always, all his life working for someone and for someone else. Because I do not want you to work for himself and for himself. Therefore, only individuals are among the Internet Millionaires. And you can be one of these units. See how beautiful are the prospects for passive income. - You alone earn only 300 zł. but the second level of your team earns you as much as 10, 000 / m.

Even if half of the given example are also working to earn what will not get anywhere in such a simple and easy way. I used to dream was to earn a few pennies in the house (typical Cottage) - today it also meets. Such earnings, which gives e-business could go even dream of. Today you can not only dream, but even fulfill their dreams.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

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extorts money.

the internet fraudster extorts money from people Aneta giving Styńską. He offers to work in Golden Thoughts , and then contacting the e-mail, request to make a deposit to your bank account in exchange for a license to use e-business programs.

Any person claiming to the MS, using the e-mail accounts other than the domenie@zł ( /) ( /) an impostor.

contacted on this matter with the police. If padłaś a victim of fraud, be sure to podeślij e-mail, which can be found at the bottom of the page PP ZM all correspondence, which just led to the scam so far as giving Aneta Styńską and confirmation of payment on his account.

Remember! - Make sure you pay no fraudster. Start of cooperation with partner programs is generally free. For others I can not vouch, but I give you these programs, which do not need to pay to start working. You pay only if you buy something. That is, when you're not a customer partnership program, but the company that operates the program. On the pages of such companies are given a payment method. If you pay for anything via e-mail address, count the possibility that you've come to the fraudster.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How To Register A Boat In Ontario In 2011

million for each

Did you know that this is real?

Do you want to make the most convenient way for you?

Do you want to gain the expertise to help you learn ( distribute half-million ) effectively earn five-digit sum in business online?

Yes, you read the title - For Everyone! Because no matter how old you are, what education, origin, social status, material, or physical ability. We know that today, even people with no arms and legs are well adapted to their capacity computers, and we know that those same people often have a professional website. and generally cope well on the Internet. Because here you only need an efficient mind, a willingness to acquire knowledge financial and big money.

True and not true. To easily make money online you need:

  • Know how
  • Know where,
  • Know who
  • acquire knowledge (Financial Intelligence)
  • Learning (Technique Online)
  • Use this knowledge
  • Provide passive income
It is hard work. And no, it is true that big money is an easy job. Yes, they can speak only people who have met the above conditions. From that moment it starts to work for them easy and enjoyable. A million-revenue steps closer to five and then six zeros.

The thing is, you gained much knowledge, » as the cheapest cost , making their lives » better and richer.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Has Anyone Had Evlt Done? How Much Does It Cost

Earn good money


  • 300 zł Gross - awarded for each successful participant to the seminar (selling your own) - the first line
  • 150 zł Gross - awarded for each successful participant to the seminar by your direct Associate - The second line of sponsorship
  • 75 zł gross - per participant to the seminar by Associate sponsorship of the second line - The third line.

Because we want to create favorable conditions for rapid development of sales teams of our partners, we decided to be activated before the big recruitment activities to make uniform rules for the operation of the Affiliate Program. The management structure of many thousands of people must be prepared carefully. Most activities should be automated in a computer system.

Under the new rules, all partners have the same status. Each Partner with the foundation should direct its activities in three key areas:

    first Sales of own
    second Developing your own sales team
    third Managing built the sales team.

All Partners are now paid the same - without distinction of having a team or working independently. We pay a remuneration only for registered participants of the seminar successfully, ie, for such a command on the initiative of the Partner, which end with the payment attend the course and the actual holding of training.

commission pay out up to three lines of sponsorship.

» learn more

Thursday, May 7, 2009

How To Mod Poptropica


Zostań SuperPartnerem! Affiliate Programs a cartload of money that just waiting for her" reach for "

What's in ebooku " Become Superpartnerem "?

Everything is absolutely necessary to know and apply in order to profitably participate in partnership programs:

After running the affiliate program Ulysses S. Grant - cnebPoints - Author of this guide was certified Superpartnera and still is at the forefront. This means that the mechanisms used by him are effective and work 7 days a week, 365 days a year and growing giving PASSIVE INCOME.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

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The truth about making money online

I thought about it, to write about the partnership programs different from everyone else, because everything in the painting of beautiful colors, not very compatible with the true image. That prompt a lot of money? - This is also true, but not for all. Would you like it or not, you need to know and be able to. Even writing a blog requires knowledge. Novice surfer who wants to quickly start making money, not easy. If this is a young man, not bad. Young people learn quickly, generally have colleagues, from which something new can always learn, easy to establish new contacts.

This is not the situation with the elderly or disabled. Older harder to learn, and the needs they have. Partner Programs are open to all without restriction. Restrictions if any, are only those which we ourselves set for ourselves.

Meanwhile, in partnership programs earn people of retirement age, young pensioners, the disabled. For a long time I discussed on the forums with the young man, not knowing that he is a deaf (in partnership programs earns very well), which came on the occasion of training films.

Suppose you are a person's not knowing how, you have no clue about making money on the internet, but which for various reasons that this form of work would be best for you. You need to learn.

Record yourself this blog (Subscribe) and come back here to read new posts. I'll show you the worst possible version of monetization. If this is you encourage this kind of work, success in your hand - even spectacular.

free access to 35 courses and 25 free articles

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sesame Street Birthday Invitation Rhyme

ways to passive income

First anyone interested in working with the club fly Golden Thoughts.
By registering, write down what you enter username, e-mail address which you provide, the password and the name that you specify to link .

Example: mxsd , 1 / , bold where the link is the name. You enter a different course, his own. This may be the name (rarely used), a shortcut, given the login, or or any other, any name. I recommend very long name, to avoid unnecessary lengthening of your links. I suggest you register in Partner Program, whilst registration in Gold Club giving the same password Address ... also registering the FORUM PARTNETRA . Avoid logging errors, confusion password, address, making it much easier for you to work. recommend to use the forum to ask questions - the partners are very happy to help.

What's it all about? - J f the someone promises you make the coconuts from the Internet, do not believe all the promises so uncritically. They generally do not lie to them was often a fast money, I know how much longer. You must still learn. Coconuts and, yes, but it may be mainly passive income, and for this you need to earn.

Financial independence - ways to passive income

more tips on starting to move around the PP in the Gold Program, visit "buck in gold " . Welcome.