Sunday, May 15, 2011

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buns called scones .... Light as a cloud

As already mentioned in one of the entries-home food preparation is always gaining on the taste, aroma. I just was with the buns. I had a chance, And how, trying to ready-made scones from the shop. Only recently have attempted to make their own version. Then how delicious! I added a little flavor of almond and dried currants. Ideal are still delicious, straight from the oven, buttered butter, cream cheese and / or jam. I admit, a little poeskerymentowalam this time-tasted to me and maybe shocking for iektorych version seasoned with sardines, marinated mushrooms, a piece of oscypek, parsley, mayonnaise and a bit of home: P Unfortunately, the latter serving version I could not take a picture of already-disappeared too quickly !)

buns British-made scones
for Home baking. Cookbook with only minor changes

220g plain flour cake
6 tablespoons margarine
pinch of salt
1 tablespoon sugar
6 tablespoons dried currants
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
few drops of almond flavor

Place in a bowl, all common ingredients. Let stand a spoon of milk on some of the later jewels f. bulek.Rekami buttered dough smooth, if necessary, adding more milk or flour. Put the dough on a lightly pastry board dusted with flour. Knead the dough gently for a moment-buns should be light, so do not be cruel / ah:). Roll out to 2cm thickness and cut cutter or a glass of cola. Cut out buns on greased lip form. Brush the top of the previously zarezerowanym milk. Put in the preheated oven for the 195st C and bake for about 9 minutes to zezlocenia.



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