Semolina is its wider use in Moroccan cooking-is used in baking, confectionery, and in India-as a base for dishes such as spicy and sweet products also. Recently attempted to bake bread with semolina and a lot of grains. The original recipe instructed to use fresh yeast. I added the instant yeast. The result? Bread some overflowed into the sides, not so intnsywnej color as the original photo, but it is still delicious, long retain freshness, a little like Italian bread foccaccie.
Moroccan holiday bread
for the 'Baking' Day Martha'y
for a loaf of soul
275 white flour bread
50g polenta-maczkin Corn
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon instant yeast or 20g fresh yeast
120ml warm water
120ml warm milk
1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
2 tablespoons beans sunflower
Grease baking tray. In a bowl, mix the yeast with a little water. Wait a minute until foaming and add some water and milk. Stir. Place in large bowl with the salt make. -Mix well to obtain a soft mass. Put the dough on a lightly flour opruszona pastry board and knead for about 5 minutes, and get a smooth, elastic mase.Przeloz me to the oiled bowl, cover with oiled plastic wrap and allow to sit for an hour in a warm place to double objetosci.Ponownie lay off the cake flour strewn capital, flattening cake and pour into the center of sesame seeds and pumpkin. Round Shape loaf splaszczajac.Umiesc him lightly on the prepared baking sheet it for baking, cover with oiled foil and allow to rise-poswojenia volume to 45 minut.Nagrzej oven temperature selector 180st C. Brush bread shell with water and sprinkle sunflower seeds. Bake about 30 minutes or until zezlocenia. Bread should be ready to spend Tap a thud in the skin. Let stand to cool on rack.
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